Today SLB reached another milestone, 50,000 pageviews (hits) from just over 25,000 unique visitors from 132 countries. In the world of the Internet, that's not much. In my little corner of the world, it is amazing to me.
Much has changed in the world since I first began SLB on March 16, 2008. Most recently, of significance to me, was my speech / presentation to chemical engineers in April 2012 in Long Beach, California. In that speech, I showed why the climate scientists who conclude that man's production of CO2 is causing catastrophic warming are wrong. I also showed why it is much more likely that catastrophic global cooling is headed our way, and very soon. I placed a transcript and slides from that speech here on SLB, and it has quickly rocketed to near the top in most-viewed postings.
I also had a rare opportunity recently to ask a question in public, of the famous climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann of Penn State University, and hear his answer. That question and answer are now on the Internet as part of a much longer presentation that was made at the Orange County Water Summit of 2012. It has also been made a post on Anthony Watts' blog There is actually a series of postings on WUWT on this episode of Dr. Mann at Disneyland, speaking at the OC Water Summit. The comments on those postings are very interesting. It is not often that a skeptic has the opportunity to ask pro-warming climate scientists a question in public, have it video-recorded, and placed on the Internet. Note, Orange County is just to the south of Los Angeles County in Southern California.
I want to take this opportunity to announce a shift in my law practice focus. I will continue advocating for abolishing climate change regulations, such as California's AB 32. I will continue my efforts against nuclear power generation, against public subsidy of uneconomic renewable energy, advising and assisting clients with legal matters involving operating process plants and safety in those facilities, and my other efforts in advising and representing engineers, architects, and scientists. That is all fascinating, rewarding work.
I recently joined the Science and Technology division of the American Bar Association, and that leads to the next area of focus, Best Available Science. I will place more effort into the scientific basis for public policy and the laws and regulations based on that science. In my opinion, bad science is being used as the basis for public policy in far too many instances. It is apparent to me, with my background in science and engineering, that our legal system needs substantial review and revision in this area. I hope to bring about, or at least help to bring about, much-needed changes. I will have more to write on this subject, very likely much more in the coming months.
Thank you to all who visit here, and post a comment. Comments are moderated by me.
Roger E. Sowell, Esq.
Marina del Rey, California