Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Thoughts on International Climate Change Conference - 9

The ICCC9 in Las Vegas is now history, two days and nights of fun, fellowship, meals, and interesting presentations by scientists, economists, and other learned people who see no cause for alarm over increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.   I attended the entire conference, and as many sessions as possible.   Out of 73 presentations, I managed to attend 31.  

Some of the presentations were hilariously funny, some were thought-provoking, some were downright fascinating.   As this was my first ICCC, I knew a few people and enjoyed meeting many, many more.  I ran out of business cards.   I met four other attorneys there, and saw but did not get to meet two others.   We attorneys should have our own beer and bull session at the next ICCC.  

It truly was international in attendees, with (as I recall) people from Australia, Canada, Germany, UK, Sweden, Russia, New Zealand, and the USA.  There may have been other countries represented, too.  

The video of each ICCC9 session is online - free - see link.

Blogger Anthony Watts has a new venture, which he announced at the ICCC9, a new membership society for publishing peer-reviewed atmospheric science, known as The Open Atmospheric Society.   From the website:  (see link)

"The OAS is an international membership society for the purpose of studying, discussing, and publishing about topics in atmospheric related earth sciences, including but not limited to meteorology, hydrology, oceanography, and climatology. It is open to anyone with an interest at the associate level, but student and full memberships also are offered.
The purpose of the society is to foster quality atmospheric science and atmospheric science communications through outreach, member education, member publishing, and electronic media."
It seems the novel aspect of the Journal of OAS is no papers will be published without all source data, software/code, procedures, and documentation to ensure reproducibility of the paper’s experiment or analysis by external reviewers.  In addition, peer-reviewer comments will be published - but not the names of the reviewers. 
Roger E. Sowell, Esq. 
Marina del Rey, California

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