Friday, September 6, 2019

Speaker at AIChE - STS in Houston on Global Warming

Subtitle: Is Global Warming Just BS (Bad Science)?

Today, I have the honor of being the person behind the podium at the First Friday Networking Lunch of the South Texas Section of AIChE, the professional society for chemical engineers in the US.    

The topic is A Skeptic's View of Man-Made Global Warming.   It is a great pleasure to accept the invitation to speak that was extended to me.  It is even better to see the society has offered a skeptic, like me, the chance to present my views (and the views of hundreds of my colleagues).  The local section, South Texas Section, has at the moment taken a turn toward full belief in the man-made aspect of global warming, specifically the perceived need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to save the planet.  

In March of this year, for example, the dinner meeting speaker gave a presentation on the horrors of global warming, and the steps he personally takes as a research professor to reduce CO2 emissions.   I attended that meeting (see link and see link) and asked one question at the end of the presentation. 

Today's presentation is limited to 45 minutes, so there is no way to cover the many aspects of why the data is so bad as to not be fit for purpose, why the analysis techniques are improper, and how the gross uncertainties in the many issues render completely wrong a conclusion of imminent catastrophe.  In short, CO2 is innocent.    Any and all efforts to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere will have zero or negligible effect on global temperatures.   However, today's presentation will give both an overview of the topics, and some technical details on issues such as inconsistent warming, bad data, bad analysis, and gross uncertainty in what is called "settled science."  I call it BS, for Bad Science. 

There is plenty of data (and I will present some of this) that shows the tiniest towns in the US have not warmed in over 100 years. In fact, most of the small towns have actually cooled.    The data is from NOAA, the National Climate Data Center.   The time span for this data reaches back to the 1890s, and extends to the present.  However, few of the sites have such long data, and even fewer have nearly complete data.  My current research is to identify and analyze the smallest towns with long records, less than 4 percent missing data, far from urban heat island influence, and well-distributed geographically.  Enough work has been done to conclude that the tiny towns are not warming, in fact, most are cooling or show zero trend.  

That, alone, invalidates the premise that CO2 increase has also caused the globe to warm.  The tiny towns also had CO2 increase over the decades, but they did not warm.   

More on this will be forthcoming, as this research will be presented for publication.

Roger E. Sowell, Esq.
Houston, Texas
copyright (c) 2019 by Roger Sowell - all rights reserved

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