This article discusses the main points and my comments on the presentation made by Stephanie Thomas, PhD(1) at the AIChE Southwest Process Technology Conference, Climate Solutions Session in Oct, 2019, Sugar Land, Texas. Dr. Thomas' presentation title is "Evidence of Climate Change; an Overview of the Science." (see link to another SLB article on the presentation on Climate and Energy by 2070, made by a Shell executive at the Tuesday night dinner meeting at the same conference. )
(1) PhD Earth Sciences, listed as a community organizer at Public Citizen, a NGO. Lead article at present (10-9-2019) on the Public Citizen website is "Impeach Donald Trump"
(my comments below the main points are in parentheses)
1. Overview - “Multiple Lines of Evidence” - she attributed these four slogans to Professor Mark Holtzapple of Texas A&M University.
a. It’s Warming
b. It’s Bad
c. It’s Us
d. We Can Fix It
(this is very sophomoric sloganeering; a conference of chemical engineers certainly deserves a presentation at a much higher level. But, sloganeering is typical of the Bad Science proponents, perhaps they don't want anyone to actually investigate the data, the analyses methods, and the computer simulation models.)
2. Showed the GATA Chart, Global Average Temperature Anomaly, from 1880 - 2016.
(this is the same chart that clearly shows decreasing temperatures, a region of no change at all for 35 years, then two separated periods with similar increasing trends, one before 1945 and a similar one before 2015. Meanwhile, CO2 was steadily increasing in each year)
3. Showed a few false causes of the warming trend – discarded each due to inadequate correlation
a. Sun’s energy output
b. Volcanoes
c. Ice ages due to Earth Orbit variation (presumably the warming that ended the last glacial period 14,000 years ago was due to orbital changes accelerated by volcanic ash and dark particles on the ice surface)
4. Then showed a strong correlation between GHGs and Temperature
(ignored the 800 year lag between temperature change and CO2 change)
5. Weakened her case by saying a correlation exists between temperature rise with
a. Aerosols
b. Ozone
c. Land Use
(actually, aerosols increased during the temperature decline 1945-1975)
6. Venus surface temperature – claimed it is very hot due to CO2 in the atmosphere
(wrong, Venus is very hot due to the very dense and thick atmosphere that is many miles deep. Earth has a few miles deep. See NASA for corroboration. The adiabatic lapse rate requires the surface to be very hot. )
7. Said CO2 is higher today than past 800,000 years as shown by Greenland and Antarctic ice cores, varied from 180 to 280 ppm in the ice cores.
(How, then, were the previous inter-glacial periods hotter than this one? Approximately 8 degrees C warmer. The CO2 was never more than 280 ppm, yet the BS claims the climate was much hotter)
8. Showed chart of temp varies with CO2
(wrong, Temperature changes occur 800 years before CO2 changes. Implies that warmer oceans release CO2 into the atmosphere, and cooler oceans absorb CO2 from the atmosphere.)
9. Energy use in total has increased over time, said this is the source of CO2 in atmosphere.
(Energy use is also the source of soot, particulate matter, smoke, jet exhaust, fly ash)
10. Claimed researchers since 1800s reported GHG effects
(This is immaterial, what matters is the magnitude of the impact; CO2 has a numerically insignificant impact)
11. Claimed a prediction made in 1950 was accurate, for 1 deg C increase by year 2000, with 30 percent increase in CO2.
(approx. 300 ppm to 370 ppm, what happened was about 0.8 deg C increase)
12. Mentioned Gore’s movie as good evidence
(wrong, the movie has multiple false statements as clearly documented in many sources)
13. Said oil companies now have statements that climate change is due to CO2
(only because of shareholder pressure and a desire to avoid defending costly lawsuits)
14. Ocean alkalinity is decreasing, says this is a big problem for crustaceans (somehow, they did not go extinct during the previous warm-ocean periods)
15. Ocean Temperature is increasing, says this harms coral reefs
(here we go again, how did coral reefs survive the last several times Temperature was much hotter than today?)
16. Said extreme weather is increasing, example is Austin TX had the hottest September on record
(no mention of drought, no rain, and very little wind in September 2019 in Austin. No mention of the late Spring this year, late crop planting, and early cold weather that is threatening the crops and yields)
17. Said Arctic is heating, ice is melting, Arctic ocean absorbs more heat from Sun
(BS, bad science, the Arctic is at such a low angle to the Sun, very little heat is absorbed due to reflection off the water; instead, open water radiates heat much faster than does ice; ice acts like a blanket and keeps heat in the water; ice at Summer minimum has stabilized since 2006 – that’s 13 years now)
18. Glaciers are receding
(BS, same rate today as in 1850; more dark soot and ash fall on the ice from the air due to man’s coal-burning and jet aircraft exhaust, and large forest fires due to bad management)
19. More torrential rain due to GHGs, said Houston has record flooding over past 5 years.
(Wrong causation, the intense storms were due to stationary cold fronts that prevented the hurricanes from moving inland quickly; intense flooding was from bad infrastructure management, and increased building with impervious ground cover e.g. foundations, roads)
20. Sea level rise has an increasing rate, due to warmer water and more ice melted and flowed into oceans
(false, only after splicing together buoy data with satellite data. Buoy data shows no increase in rate of SLR)
21. More deaths due to disease that was caused by GHG.
(Flat out wrong).
End of S. Thomas presentation.
(No mention of:
a. El Nino / La Nina warming effects
b. Timing and duration of droughts – causes warming trend
c. Increased humidity from power plants, cooling towers, lawn watering, crop irrigation in deserts, etc
d. Cleaner air due to air pollution laws - removes aerosols and lets more Sunshine in
e. Less cloud cover due to fewer sunspots from 1950 – 2009
f. Arctic ice extent stabilized for past 13 years - 2006 – 2019
g. Antarctic ice has grown for decades
h. Coral reefs damaged by ships and humans with suntan lotion, antifreeze, copper paint on ship bottoms, human waste dumped overboard
i. Polar bears populations are increasing - they survived at least 500,00 years of ice ages and interglacials much warmer than today
j. Zero correlation between severe weather and increased CO2 (IPCC said this)
k. Floods more severe due to increased runoff from land use changes – more impervious cover, more siltation blockage in flow channels, more infrastructure blocking natural flow areas e.g. highways such as Houston’s Beltway Houston Harvey flooding was made worse by bad decisions by government to not maintain flood control dams at Barker, Addicks
l. Hurricanes' ACE has not increased since 1970)
Sadly, this presentation is quite typical of the misinformation, disinformation, and glossing over of key points that completely refute the alarmists' basic message.
Roger E. Sowell
Houston, Texas
copyright (c) 2019 by Roger Sowell - all rights reserved
copyright (c) 2019 by Roger Sowell - all rights reserved
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